Sunday, September 20, 2015

Basic Strength - by Jami Cuervo, PT,DPT

One of the most common question of care givers of stroke patients is: When do they regain strength?

Theoretical answer: The golden period of stroke patients wherein they are able to regain functions such as strength etc. is within 6 months from diagnosis or point of onset. This means that aggressive physical therapy exercises should take place within that period to regain maximum optimal function. With this, it is highly recommended that patients and caregivers exercise at home aside from going to the rehab clinic to maximize patient potential.

These are the basic exercises that you can do at home! :

Note: let patients do the exercises, but remember to manually guide them as they are initially weak!

Shoulder, arm and hand exercises:

1) Arm raises (with or without weights) (sitting or on bed)-
                             do this for 10 times rest for 2 minutes and do it again. (2 sets)

2) Slow controlled guided Punches
                          do this for 10 times rest for 2 minutes and do it again. (2 sets)

3) Arm slides to the side (using an arm board or towel that slides)

4) pinch exercises using soft clips
                      do this for 10 times rest for 2 minutes and do it again. (2 sets)

5) grip exercises using stress ball
 hold this for 5 seconds and do it for 10 times,  rest for 2 minutes and do it again. (2 sets)

6) slow finger stretching
        slowly move patient's hand towards this position, hold it for 15 seconds until you feel that its tight already, then relax. Do this for 3 times.

7) slow arm stretching or straightening
slowly move patient's hand towards this position, hold it for 15 seconds until you feel that its tight already, then relax. Do this for 3 times.


Hip, leg and ankle exercises:

1) Guided Pelvic Bridging
GUIDE patient to this position, let patient utilize own strength but always remember to support their buttocks as they are weak
 do this for 10 times rest for 2 minutes and do it again. (2 sets)

2) Slow leg raises (with or without weights)
 do this for 10 times rest for 2 minutes and do it again. (2 sets)

3) Knee straightening or kicking exercises
 do this for 10 times rest for 2 minutes and do it again. (2 sets)

4) calf stretching exercises
    remember to keep knee straight , push foot/ankle to the arrows position hold that position for 15 seconds. Do it for 3 times

5) whole leg side swings
     on bed, slide the leg sideward as the position below. Do it for 10 times, rest for 2 minutes. Then repeat. (2 sets)

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